At the required level of visual verisimilitude, computer animation is costly. 要使电脑动画的视觉效果达到要求的逼真程度,花费会十分昂贵。
The videos use computer animation. 这些视频使用电脑动画。
This had never been achieved to that extent before in computer animation. 在电脑动画中,从来没有人能够做到这种程度。
Change shape, as via computer animation. 通过计算机直观显示改变形状。
A Study of Virtual Character in Automatic Generation of Computer Animation 动画自动生成系统中的智能虚拟角色的研究
Moreover, the approach give good clues for speeding up the algorithm for the computer animation. 同时,该技术给计算机动画的加速算法提供了很好的思想。
With computer animation, I learned to work down the hierarchy of the model, and as I went, created separate keyframes for the different controls at each level of the hierarchy. 通过电脑动画,我学会了顺着模型的层级工作,当我做的时候,在每一个层级的级别为不同的控制器创建出分离的关键帧。
At the same time, has been involved in computer animation productions. 同时也从事电脑动画制作方面的工作。
Web Design, Interactive Multi-Media, Video Multi-Media and Effects, Adversting, 3D Computer Animation, VCD Production, Graphic Design. 提供网页设计,互动多媒体制作,商业摄录,剪接,广告制作,3D电脑动画,VCD制作,平面设计等。
Research on Soft-object Deformation in the Computer Animation 计算机动画中柔软物体变形技术研究
In the Computer Animation and Virtual Reality ( VR) applications, physically based modeling is an effective method for soft object deformation and movement simulation. 在计算机动画和虚拟现实技术中,基于物理的建模方法是高真实感地模拟物体受力变形和运动的有效途径。
The first film to be made using computer animation. 第一部用计算机动画制作的影片。
Study on Curriculum Development in Computer Animation Design& Based on the Working Process 基于工作过程的电脑动画设计专业课程设置研究
In addition, he purchased Pixar, a small computer animation firm which he was able, over years, to turn into one of the world's most successful movie studios and later sell to Disney for billions. 此外,他收购了皮克斯,一家小型的电脑动画公司,几年后,将它变成世界上最成功的电影制片厂之一,后以数十亿美元的价格出售给迪斯尼。
In three-dimensional computer animation we can use software constraints to force all or some of the motion within arcs. 在三维立体电脑动画,我们可以使用软件的限制,迫使全部或部分的议案,内弧。
One of the biggest differences between hand-drawn animation and computer animation is the fact that computer animation is truly three dimensional. 在手绘动画与计算机动画之间一个最大区别就是,实际上计算机动画是真正立体的(三个方向的)。
This paper mainly introduces the design and application of computer animation in teaching film. 主要介绍计算机动画在教学片中的设计和应用。
The students will propose improvements and explore new methods for computer animation in semester-long research projects. 学生必须能够在学期末缴交一份研究专题,这份专题需提出改进且发展电脑动画的新方法。
He soon started his own software company, NeXT, and bought a computer animation studio. 他很快就开始了自己的软件公司NeXT,并收购了一家电脑动画工作室。
For example, the Star Wars series relies heavily on computer animation for many of its special effects. 《星球大战》系列就运用了大量的电脑特效。
The graphic technology of3D verity is the core of visualization in calculation, computer animation and3D GIS. 三维真实感的图形技术是科学计算可视化、电脑动画和三维地理信息系统的核心。
The studio couldn't hand-animate the balloons, nor would traditional computer animation work. 该工作室不能手工动画的气球,也将传统的电脑动画作品。
Research on fast animation morphing technique in producing 2D computer animation 计算机二维动画中一种快速动画变形方法的研究
Always looking forward, in that same year he founded NeXT, another computer company, and in1986 he bought a small computer animation company. 乔布斯总是向前看,他在同一年创立了另一家名为NeXT的电脑公司。1986年,他买了一家小型电脑动画公司。
Digital animation also calls the computer animation, it is brand-new animation domain, it is art learns, design art learns and art of movie and TV learns and the height of technology of computer logo image is united in wedlock. 数字动画也称计算机动画,是全新的动画领域,是美术学、设计艺术学和影视艺术学以及计算机图形图像技术的高度结合。
Thanks to computer animation, it is now possible to make cartoon films much more quickly than in the past. 由于有了电脑绘制技术,现在制作动画片要比过去快得多了。
As a new art form, the computer animation has attracted more and more attention. 电脑动画作为一种崭新的艺术样式,在影视界受到越来越多的重视。
The Research of Motion Planning and Path Planning in the Automatic Generation of Computer Animation 动画自动生成系统中运动规划及其路径规划的研究与实现
However, in the field of documentary film creation, computer animation is rarely used. 然而,在纪录片创作领域,电脑动画却很少被触及。
Along the way, he purchased Pixar, a small computer animation firm which he turned into one of the world's most successful movie studios, later sold to Disney for$ 7.4 billion. 随后,乔布斯还收购了小型电脑动画制作公司Pixar,他把这家企业改造成了世界最成功的电影制片公司之一,然后作价74亿美元将它卖给了迪士尼公司(Disney)。